Cannabis & Digital Assets Corporate Intelligence

CRB Monitor empowers financial institutions and capital providers to understand, identify and manage risk and opportunity through the gold standard cannabis and digital assets corporate intelligence database.

Understand, Identify and Manage Risk & Opportunity.

CRB Monitor provides the most comprehensive platform covering cannabis industry participants in a centralized, curated, standardized, categorized and centralized relational database.


    100+ Licensing Agencies, 93,000+ Direct CRBs, 245,000+ Cannabis Licenses, 140,000+ Owners, 1,800+ Cannabis-Linked Securities


    Standardized, classified, and organized into relevant risk-based tiers, categories and sectors to easily execute inclusion/exlusion policies


    Not just a list. De-duplicated and cross-linked relational database with detailed entity profiles and search/filter functionality


Confidently make fully-informed decisions powered by data.

Uncover connections, evaluate risk and opportunity, and make smarter decisions about compliance, banking and investments with a “Single Source of Truth”


    Relationship & Transaction Filtering
    Initial Due Diligence & Validation
    On-Going Monitoring
    Ad Hoc Research & Investigation


    Business Development

    Investment Identification

    Competitive & Market Intelligence
    Underwriting & Pricing / Valuations

Who we help

Whether fulfilling regulatory KYC/AML/BSA compliance regulations, prudential capital or analyzing the market landscape to identify and manage opportunities, our definitive database can help simplify your challenges and effort.

Credit Unions
Broker-Dealers Insurance Money Service
CAPITAL PROVIDERS Investment Banking Venture Capital Private Equity Hedge Funds Non-Bank Lenders

Looking for a solution specific to your sector?

OUR PROCESSNot all data is created equal.

We aggregate data from numerous on-line and off-line sources to piece together entity profiles and relationships, resulting in the most comprehensive, detailed relational database possible.


EASE OF USE Convenient access, plug & play

  • Plug

    Access our on-line database for search, research and investigations — no limits or extra charges per search.

  • Setting

    Simply “plug & play” our datasets into your current filter systems and workflows — no new headcount or software, no CIF sharing

  • Earphone

    Our data is also directly integrated into a number of common filter solutions — just ask us which ones!

OUR DIFFERENCE Setting the standards

CRB Monitor is an established category leader providing solutions to all sizes and types of financial institutions. Unlike large “list” vendors, CRB Monitor is uniquely positioned as the only sector-specific corporate intelligence platform focused on the cannabis and digital assets industries, which provides for uncommon data, thought leadership and insights.

Steven Kemmerling

Steven Kemmerling, Founder and CEO

Since founding CRB Monitor in 2014, Steven has been a thought leader, subject matter expert and data-hound focused on addressing significant challenges around “cannabis and banking.” He created and continues to refine many of the terms, taxonomy and frameworks relied upon by financial institutions and regulators as they seek to understand the cannabis industry and formulate relevant and effective policies, procedures and standards.

Learn more about how CRB Monitor can help your institution to better understand, identify and manage risks and opportunities in the cannabis industry.

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