RESOURCES | Data Updates | Securities

Cannabis-Linked Securities | Weekly Update | December 12 - 18, 2022
Published on December 21, 2022

CRB Monitor Securities Database Updates

During the week of December 12 - 18, 2022, CRB Monitor’s research team made several updates to securities’ information and added source documents & relevant news articles to the CRB Monitor database.

Summary of the updates for the Week of December 12 - 18, 2022:


Total #

Active / Inactive / Pre-IPO



Net Change

Tier 1A


128 / 22 / 2

+0 -0 +0

Tier 1B


589 / 133 / 2

+1 -0 +1

Tier 2


332 / 22 / 3

+0 -0 +0

Tier 3


490 / 28 / 1

+0 -4 -4

Total Issuances


1,539 / 205 / 8

+1 -4 -3

Total Issuers   (w/o Pre-IPOs)



+0 -4 -4

Total Issuers    (w/ Pre-IPOs)



+0 -4 -4

  • Added 1 Tier 1B Security:
    • +1 = New Security (Convertible Debt) Added to Existing Issuer: (“Aegis Brands Inc.”)
  • Removed 4 Tier 3 Securities:
    • -1 = Discarded Business Record from Database: (“MAV Beauty Brands Inc.”) 
      • Rationale = MAV Beauty Brands Inc. is a Canada-based personal care and beauty products company. MAV was previously involved in the cannabis industry through the development of hemp oil-based hair care products. However, it has been over a year since there has been any mention of cannabis in connection with this company. There is no evidence to suggest that this company is still actively engaged in the cannabis industry. The company's website is dead. As a result, this business no longer qualifies for inclusion.
    • -1 = Discarded Business Record from Database: (“InnerScope Hearing Technologies, Inc.”) 
      • Rationale = InnerScope Hearing Technologies, Inc. is a US-based marketing and advertising agency serving the retail hearing aid dispensing community. InnerScope previously announced plans to distribute its own label of CBD oil products. However, it has been over a year since there has been any mention of cannabis in connection with this company. There is no evidence to suggest that this company is still actively engaged in the cannabis industry. As a result, this business no longer qualifies for inclusion.
    • -1 = Discarded Business Record from Database: (“ScoutCam Inc.”) 
      • Rationale = ScoutCam Inc. is an Israeli provider of customized visual solutions including imaging equipment and cloud and software-based image processing. ScoutCam was previously involved in the cannabis industry through the co-development of a transdermal delivery device for cannabis (“Canna Patch”). However, it has been over a year since there has been any mention of cannabis in connection with this company. There is no evidence to suggest that this company is still actively engaged in the cannabis industry. As a result, this business no longer qualifies for inclusion.
    • -1 = Discarded Business Record from Database: (“Jatenergy Ltd.”) 
      • Rationale = Jatenergy Ltd. Is an Australian conventional and renewable energy company. Jatenergy was previously involved in the cannabis industry through the establishment of a joint venture in the cosmetics industry to focus on CBD skincare products, among others. However, it has been over a year since there has been any mention of cannabis in connection with this company. There is no evidence to suggest that this company is still actively engaged in the cannabis industry. Additionally, Jatenergy has been delisted from the ASX and does not trade elsewhere (i.e., private). As a result, this business no longer qualifies for inclusion.

All newly-identified CRBs during the week:

Company Name


Pure-Play Sector




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