RESOURCES | Data Updates | Securities

Cannabis-Linked Securities | Weekly Update | September 19 - 25, 2022
Published on September 29, 2022

CRB Monitor Securities Database Updates

During the week of September 19 - 25, 2022, CRB Monitor’s research team made several updates to securities’ information and added source documents & relevant news articles to the CRB Monitor database.

Summary of the updates for the Week of September 19 - 25, 2022:


Total #

Active / Inactive



Net Change

Tier 1A


128 / 21 / 2

+0 -0 +0

Tier 1B


592 / 126 / 3

+0 -0 +0

Tier 2


332 / 22 / 4

+0 -2 -2

Tier 3


533 / 28 / 1

+1 -4 -3

Total Issuances


1,585 / 197 / 10

+1 -6 -5

Total Issuers   (w/o Pre-IPOs)



+0 -5 -5

Total Issuers    (w/ Pre-IPOs)



+0 -5 -5

  • Removed 2 Tier 2 Securities:
    • -1 = Discarded Business Record from Database: (“, Inc.”)
      • Rationale =, Inc. is engaged in providing real-time market commentary, analysis, and educational related endeavors in Chinese language character sets. The company was previously involved in the cannabis industry through "retail, online, and direct sales of hemp-based products." However, it has been over a year since there has been any mention of cannabis in connection with this company. Additionally, the company's security has been revoked., Inc. is now a private company. This is a business without any connection to (1) a cannabis license/"plant-touching" operation, (2) a Tier 1 CRB, and/or (3) a publicly-traded CRB. Therefore, this business no longer qualifies for inclusion.
    • -1 = CRB Tier Downgraded to Tier 3: (“BoxScore Brands, Inc.”)
  • Added 1 Tier 3 Security & Removed 4 Tier 3 Securities:
    • +1 = CRB Tier Downgraded to Tier 3: (“BoxScore Brands, Inc.”)
      • Rationale = There is no evidence to suggest that the company directly or indirectly (1) holds a cannabis license and/or (2) engages in "plant-touching" operations. Additionally, the company's involvement in the cannabis industry does not constitute a substantial revenue source, relative to its overall business. Therefore, qualifies for Tier 3.
    • -1 = Discarded Business Record from Database: (“BLOK Technologies Inc.”)
      • Rationale = BLOK Technologies Inc. is a Canada-based company that invests in and develops emerging companies in the blockchain technology sector. BLOK, through its subsidiary Greenstream, was previously engaged in the development of a blockchain-enabled supply chain integrity platform for the legalized cannabis industry. However, it has been over a year since there has been any mention of cannabis in connection with this company, or any other news for that matter. There is no evidence to suggest that this company is still actively engaged in the cannabis industry. The company's website is dead. As a result, this business no longer qualifies for inclusion.
    • -1 = Discarded Business Record from Database: (“Graph Blockchain Inc.”)
      • Rationale = Graph Blockchain Inc. is a blockchain data management and business intelligence solutions provider. Per its own admission, the company was focused on developing enterprise platforms for high-growth areas including the cannabis health and wellness sector, among others. However, it has been over a year since there has been any mention of cannabis in connection with this company. There is no evidence to suggest that this company is still actively engaged in the cannabis industry. As a result, this business no longer qualifies for inclusion.
    • -1 = Discarded Business Record from Database: (“Generex Biotechnology Corporation”)
      • Rationale = Generex Biotechnology Corporation is an integrated healthcare holding company. Generex was previously involved in the cannabis industry through the development of "RapidMist," an oral delivery device/method for cannabinoids. However, it has been over a year since there has been any mention of cannabis in connection with this company, or any other news for that matter. There is no evidence to suggest that this company is still actively engaged in the cannabis industry. The company's website is dead. As a result, this business no longer qualifies for inclusion.
    • -1 = Discarded Business Record from Database: (“Fusion Pharm, Inc.”)
      • Rationale = Fusion Pharm, Inc. was organized to capitalize on opportunities present in the rapidly growing organic produce sector throughout the United States. Fusion Pharm's primary focus was the development of its PharmPod line of cultivation containers, which are refurbished shipping containers used primarily to grow cannabis. However, the company was charged with scheming investors and intends to be liquidated/dissolved. The company's website is dead. As a result, this business no longer qualifies for inclusion.

All newly-identified CRBs during the week:

Company Name


Pure-Play Sector





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