RESOURCES | Data Updates | Securities

Cannabis-Related Securities | Weekly Update | July 29 - August 4, 2024
Published on August 8, 2024

CRB Monitor Securities Database Updates

During the week of July 29 - August 4, 2024, CRB Monitor’s research team made several updates to securities’ information and added source documents & relevant news articles to the CRB Monitor database.

Summary of the updates for the Week of July 29 - August 4, 2024:


Total #

Active / Inactive / Pre-IPO



Net Change

Tier 1A


121 / 23 / 2

+0 -0 +0

Tier 1B


556 / 149 / 2

+0 -0 +0

Tier 2


293 / 15 / 5

+0 -1 -1

Tier 3


449 / 27 / 1

+0 -1 -1

Total Issuances


1,419 / 214 / 10

+0 -2 -2

Total Issuers   (w/o Pre-IPOs)



+0 -2 -2

Total Issuers    (w/ Pre-IPOs)



+0 -2 -2


Removed 1 Tier 2 Security:

  • -1 = Discarded Business Record from Database: (“Jinhua Capital Corporation”)
    • Rationale = Jinhua Capital Corporation was a Canada-based capital pool company seeking to complete a qualifying transaction. Jinhua Capital previously entered into an agreement to acquire a private Colombian manufacturer of cannabis products. However, this agreement expired and was not extended. Subsequently, Jinhua Capital entered into an agreement to acquire a private Canadian plant-based food company, which was terminated. Jinhua Capital now operates in the graphite mineral industry. There is no evidence to suggest that the company has any other connection to, or intention to re-enter, the cannabis industry. As a result, this business no longer qualifies for inclusion.

Removed 1 Tier 3 Security:

  • -1 = Discarded Business Record from Database: (“Quanta, Inc.”)
    • Rationale = Quanta, Inc., based in the U.S., was an applied science company focusing on quantum mechanics and sustainable healing solutions. The company was previously involved in the cannabis industry through the development and distribution of topical cannabidiol (CBD) products. However, the company's security has been revoked/delisted and it no longer trades. As a result, the company is now private. This is a business without any connection to (1) a cannabis license/"plant-touching" operation, (2) a Tier 1 CRB, and/or (3) a publicly-traded CRB. Therefore, this business no longer qualifies for inclusion.

All newly-identified CRBs during the week:

Company Name


Pure-Play Sector





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