RESOURCES | Data Updates | Securities

Cannabis-Related Securities | Weekly Update | November 13 - 19, 2023
Published on November 22, 2023

CRB Monitor Securities Database Updates

During the week of November 13 - 19, 2023, CRB Monitor’s research team made several updates to securities’ information and added source documents & relevant news articles to the CRB Monitor database.

Summary of the updates for the Week of November 13 - 19, 2023:


Total #

Active / Inactive / Pre-IPO



Net Change

Tier 1A


124 / 23 / 2

+0 -0 +0

Tier 1B


566 / 152 / 2

+0 -0 +0

Tier 2


310 / 20 / 5

+0 -2 -2

Tier 3


467 / 27 / 1

+0 -0 +0

Total Issuances


1,467 / 222 / 10

+0 -2 -2

Total Issuers   (w/o Pre-IPOs)



+0 -2 -2

Total Issuers    (w/ Pre-IPOs)



+0 -2 -2

Removed 2 Tier 2 Securities: 
  • -1 = Discarded Business Record from Database: (“Arsenal Digital Holdings Inc.”)
    • Rationale = Arsenal Digital Holdings Inc. is a US-based sustainable technology and renewable energy company. Arsenal Digital Holdings previously provided technology and consulting services to the cannabis industry. However, it has been over a year since there has been any mention of cannabis in connection with this company. There is no evidence to suggest that this company is still actively engaged in the cannabis industry. As a result, this business no longer qualifies for inclusion.
  • -1 = Discarded Business Record from Database: (“KDA Group Inc.”)
    • Rationale = KDA Group Inc. is a Canada-based solution and services provider to pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies in Canada as well as technological platform for the health industry. KDA Group previously offered technological platforms in the cannabis field for medical purposes. It also planned to develop an eCommerce platform for orders of medical cannabis products and counseling/training services on medical cannabis products for doctors, pharmacists and patients. However, KDA Group has divested itself of all cannabis operations. There is no evidence to suggest that this company is still actively engaged in the cannabis industry. As a result, this business no longer qualifies for inclusion.

All newly-identified CRBs during the week:

Company Name


Pure-Play Sector







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