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Conference of State Bank Supervisors Trust Forum
Published on October 16, 2020


Steve Kemmerling, CRB Monitor Founder & CEO, virtually presented to the Conference of State Bank Supervisors on October 14, 2020 at their annual Trust Forum event.  The Trust Forum was a 3-day program for state and federal finanical regulators who are involved in supervising and regulating the trust industry, which include independent companies as well as trust departments in financial institutions.

Steve teamed up with Frank A. Mayer who is an attorney and chair of the Financial Services Regulatory and Enforcement Group at Stevens & Lee.  Together they provided a framework to review best practices and common pitfalls regarding a firm's policies and procedures as it relates to cannabis and cannabis-related securities.  Both offered their expertise on how to develop effective risk-based frameworks for categorizing cannabis-related businesses and securities.

To delve further into cannabis-linked securities and/or understand differences between marijuana, hemp and CBD (and how each has different legal/regulatory considerations), check out our blogs:

Conference of State Bank Supervisors

CSBS was organized in 1902 as the National Association of Supervisors of State Banks. In 1971, the name of the organization was changed to the Conference of State Bank Supervisors to better reflect the ongoing nature of CSBS activities.  For more than 110 years, CSBS has been uniquely positioned as the only national organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the nation’s dual-banking system.

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