James B. Francis, CFA, our Chief Research Officer, was interviewed by Bryan Mc Govern for InvestingNewsNetwork on the need for reform in marijuana legalization in the US at the federal level. Read on for a brief excerpt, and click through for the full article.
James B. Francis, chief research officer at CRB Monitor, said the space has been hit “particularly hard" by the fact that no meaningful federal reform has arrived in the country. “The cannabis industry is always going to feel that impact, and investors will have another reason to stay away,” he told the Investing News Network (INN)...
“I'm responsible for all of the information that goes in for any publicly traded company we cover — 1,800 securities, a little over 1,400 issuers, each one having some connection to the cannabis industry,” Francis told INN.
He has also had plenty of experience covering the cannabis market through the public avenue by way of his banking background and recent role as head of research with ETF Managers Group, which offers one of the most visible cannabis funds, the ETFMG Alternative Harvest ETF (ARCA:MJ).