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Risk Revealed: Refinitiv Webinar Series
Published on September 9, 2020

Banking MRBs: Blunt Talk on Managing AML/KYC Compliance

Wednesday, September 23 | 1:00 pm CST - Register Here

CRB Monitor's Steve Kemmerling will be part of the Risk Revealed Webinar Series hosted by Refinitiv, which brings together risk and compliance experts from across financial markets and corporates to discuss how data and technology solutions can help mitigate risk exposure to business.  Key experts from across the industry will be part of this webinar to explore how Marijuana-related businesses (MRBs) pose risk and opportunity for financial institutions.

Some Insight

These complex business structures of the cannabis industry make meeting BSA obligations more difficult as many ‘shell’ type companies are created to move money nationally and cross-border with Financial Institutions and do not know the source of funds. Deciding not to bank MRBs requires the same policy considerations as the choice to bank them. The webinar will explore some of the key considerations when reviewing the pros and cons of banking MRBs.

  • Pending cannabis/marijuana laws - what you need to know
  • Is the risk of banking MRBs worth the reward?
  • How do you get to the UBO given the complex structures?
  • COVID-19 impact


Steve Kemmerling, Founder & CEO CRB MonitorSteve Kemmerling Headshot

Since founding CRB Monitor in 2014, Steven Kemmerling has been a thought leader, subject matter expert and data-hound focused on addressing significant challenges around “cannabis and banking.” He created and continues to refine many of the terms, taxonomy and frameworks relied upon by financial institutions and regulators as they seek to understand the cannabis industry and formulate relevant and effective policies, procedures and standards. Prior entrepreneurial experience includes helping to launch and grow a litigation and anti-money laundering consultancy serving large financial institutions. Steve strives to utilize his experience, knowledge, and entrepreneurial insight to develop innovative products and services that provide meaningful solutions to large problems.

Holly Sais Phillippi Headshot

Holly Sais Phillippi, Head of Risk Proposition Sales, Americas Refinitiv

Holly Sais Phillippi has over 20 years' experience in data/regulatory compliance and risk management. Holly is focused on building strong customer and third-party risk communities within the corporate environment, regulatory and financial communities to ensure Refinitiv is putting the clients’ focuses first in product build and design. She is also responsible for strategic project planning, building an education strategy around customer and third-party risk and assisting clients with large-scale rollout & adoption projects around customer and third-party risk solutions.
She has personally managed several top banks around the globe and engaged directly with their Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance teams and the heads of AML compliance. Holly’s focus has always been to ensure clients have the data and systems necessary to meet their regulatory guidelines as well as corporate responsibility expectations.
Sundie Seefried Headshot

Sundie Seefried, CEO & Partner Colorado Credit Union

Sundie Seefried is presently the CEO of Partner Colorado Credit Union & Safe Harbor Services, LLC, located in Denver Colorado.  She has served in the Credit Union industry since 1983 and as CEO since 2001.   She holds a Bachelors in Business Management from the University of Maryland and an MBA in Finance from Regis University. 
Instead of heading into retirement at the end of 2014, she designed a full scope Cannabis Banking Program known as the Safe Harbor program which has withstood the scrutiny of 15 Federal and State exams to date. The credit union now banks in excess of $200 million per month of cannabis related funds while creating the subsidiary Safe Harbor Services to aid other Financial Institutions implement the Safe Harbor program.
She regularly provides cannabis banking education to legislators, regulators, attorney’s generals, state officials and financial institutions and has established herself as an expert on the topic; having her program featured in the NY Times Magazine, January 2018.  She is on a mission to normalize banking for the cannabis industry while assisting law enforcement and federal agencies be more effective at combating illicit activities and protecting the financial system. 
To share her knowledge, she authored the book ‘Navigating Safe Harbor – Cannabis Banking in Uncertain Times’ in 2016, as well as contributing an entire chapter on cannabis banking in the newly released university textbook, The Politics of Marijuana: A New Paradigm, by Timothy McGettigan; both available on Amazon. 
Jim Richards Headshot

Jim Richards, Founder RegTech Consulting, LLC

Jim Richards is the principal and founder of RegTech Consulting LLC, focused on providing strategic advice on all aspects of financial crimes risk management to AML software providers, financial technology start-ups, cannabis-related businesses, mid-size banks, and money services businesses. From 2005 through April 2018 Mr. Richards served as the BSA Officer and Director of Global Financial Crimes Risk Management for Wells Fargo & Co., where he was responsible for BSA, AML, counter-terrorist financing (CTF), external fraud, internal fraud and misconduct, the identity theft prevention program, global sanctions, financial crimes analytics, and high-risk customer due diligence. 
Prior to his role with Wells Fargo, Mr. Richards was the AML operations executive at Bank of America. There, he was responsible for the operational aspects of Bank of America’s global AML and CTF monitoring, surveillance, investigations, and related SAR reporting.
 Prior to his 20-year career in banking, Mr. Richards was a prosecutor in Massachusetts, a barrister in Ontario, Canada, and a Special Constable with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He is the author of “Transnational Criminal Organizations, Cybercrime, and Money Laundering.” Mr. Richards has a Bachelor of Commerce (B.Comm.) degree and Juris Doctorate from the University of British Columbia.

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